Some people were trying to fix a car in the parking lot. It was definitely a group effort,
You dont see many motorcycles with sidecars. I thought it was cool!
Pink for Lisa Marie. I think it looks like a theme park ride. It's cute!
It's so Scooby-Doo! I love it! See the orange vehicle in the back? It's a snowmobile. Elvis had it altered so it could be driven w…
All kinds of different motorcycles, scooters, gokarts, golf carts, snowmobiles, anything you can think of, he probably had it – ev…
Ok, everyone is on board now. On to the next stop!
We were on the bus and had already started to leave when our tour guide realized we were missing over 12 people. We stopped to wai…
We knew it wouldn't be like the movie Casablanca but we still didn't think it would be so modern.