We had to start heading toward the bus.
I think they're banyan trees. So cool!
It was so pretty here, with the trees growing down the wall, I wish we could have stayed here longer.
We walked through a random arch and found this beautiful garden. Literally a secret garden. It was so peaceful and quiet.
She was Elvis' Grandmother, Vernon's Mother.
He had flowers, some bracelets and other little trinkets on his stone left by people. At his head is an eternal flame.
There's one thing that bugs me about these headstones is that Gladys' is so plain. Hers just says she was a great mom, great wife,…
This is a memorial stone since the rest of the family is here.
Originally this was a place for Elvis to come and relax, unwind and de-stress. It was one of his favorite places.
This was the marker for Gladys' final resting place until she was moved from the cemetery to Graceland for security purposes.
You can see the meditation garden in the distance.
There was a really pretty park across the street from the wine shop.
We could see in to everyone's back yards. They had some nice gardens, great houses, we even saw some people drinking coffee on the…
There were many paths from this market. You could go across to the cable cars, over to the wicker toboggans or up to the church. W…
It was like a bonsai tree.