Press Check '05

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It was so cold when we were there. The high for the week was 7. The low was -3. The wind chills were always in the negatives.

We stopped for gas. Most of us had never seen Racing Gas and Kerosene for sale at a gas station.

We went to see Random Lake. John ran out on to the ice to show us it was frozen.

We timidly followed him.

Very timidly.

We didn't go out very far but we were OK.

It's hard to see in this picture of the ice but there were gaps underneath.

We had a few hours until we had to go to the plant so we went to The Eagle's Nest for a drink.

The Double Bubble. was going on at the time.

We called Steve while we were there.

Ellen in her cute hat and scarf.

For dinner we went to John's Pizza close to the hotel.

John in his Cossack hat and pointing out his run-in with his razor.

John with his "Spotted Cow" beer. It's an inside joke.

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