Egypt Trip

Cairo P.93

For our first stop we went back to Giza.

To the Cheops Boat Museum. Right behind the Great Pyramid.

Some of the original ropes found with the boat.

The boat was found in this trench, underneath these stone slabs.

A cross-section of how they lashed the wood together with ropes.

A scale model of the boat. It was made for Cheops to use in the afterlife. It was never used in his lifetime. It was buried only for his use in the afterlife.


Headed up to see the boat.


It took 14 years to reconstruct the boat. It's about 4,500 years old.


It was so much bigger than I had imagined.


It has 1,224 pieces and is almost 150 feet long.


We took more photos of the Cheops Boat. To see them click HERE.

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