Egypt Trip

Hurghada P.91

The dive place where we chartered the boat does a barbecue every week for the divers.

We met in the lobby to go.

We thought it was going to be at the dock but it turned out to be at the Hed Kandi Beach Bar.

It was a club that had these pits with pillows. This is the fancy one.

We sat out on the beach.

A nice shot of Bill.

Mike and Michael chilling out.

It wasn't really what anyone was expecting but we had a good time.

Beth and Tonya tried out a pit by the dance floor.

I loved the signs.

We had to catch a cab back to the hotel.

Of course, the cab driver didn't know where our hotel was and we got lost. We had to tell the drive how to get there and we weren't close by. It was an interesting ride back.

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