Egypt Trip

Red Sea P.52

This was cool This fish wass asleep. He was kind of underneath an outcropping and didn't move at all while we swam by,

You can see how big he wass in this photo.

I liked the big blue clam on the left.

More orange fish and you can see the black and white fish a little better here.

Another Arabian Angelfish.

To see more photos of Jackfish Alley, click HERE.

As we were getting ready for the Jackfish Alley dive, Bill was sitting with his tank on. He shifted and accidentally shattered his mask. Luckily we had enough time to trade masks and get an air gauge on him so he could go on the dive. We all thought the mask was jinxed. First the battery went out and then it was shattered.

Reviewing the photos after the dive.

Kim had some tea!

Dave and Melissa playing another game of Scrabble.

Rootie and Nick chatting.

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