Egypt Trip

Red Sea P.46

The morning dive was mostly to get all settled with our equipment.

At Poseidon Reef.

We didn't take pictures because we wanted to get everything else all set first.

Then we were off to our next dive site.

Dave and Melissa joined us on the boat. They were major Scrabble players.

Our next dive was at the wreck of the Dunraven.

Bill is ready to go!

My Bill had mask problems at the very last minute. His mask, which also reads his air, ran out of battery.

So he got pictures of us all leaving.

We went out on a zodiac for this dive.

Bill's stuff looks so lonely!

The Dunraven was an English steamer sunk in 1876 on its way from Bombay to England loaded
with timber and spices. It was upside down and there was a part you could swim in to.

The first zodiac returning.

Rootie putting her stuff away.

Melissa and Dave talking about the dive.

Nick is checking everyone in.

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