Egypt Trip

Hurghada P.44

Yea! We finally made it to Hurghada and the Red Sea!

It wasn't dark so I don't know why these next pictures came out dark. But they're interesting.

Hurghada was very touristy. This was a sign for a resort.

One of the many resorts in Hurghada.

We liked this random bunker.

Bill bought this really great hat at the last stop.

A statue at a major intersection.

We made it to the docks. This dog was at the dive shop.

Finally on the boat!

Nick is giving us the rundown on the boat.

We had to unpack in order to stow our luggage away. We picked our spot for our gear and set it up. Tonya is checking her air for leaks.

Here's our room.


We were so glad to be on the boat!

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