Holyfield vs. Bates Fight Night
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Holyfield's corner in-between rounds. |
Getting ready for the second round. |
The fight was stopped 4 seconds before the end of the second round. Holyfield won by TKO. |
Everyone in the ring, waiting for the announcement. |
Holyfield went to each side of the ring and waved to the crowd. |
Jimmy Lenon, Jr. makes the announcement. Holyfield wins by TKO at 2:56 of the second round. |
Holyfield raises his hands. |
And does interviews. |
The Best Damn Sports Show does commentary after the fight. |
And then they're joined by Evander Holyfield. |
Evander talking to fellow heavyweight fighter, Chris Byrd. |
There were 2 more fights after the main event. They were all really good fights. We had a great time! |
e-mail us at kasuko@sager.org |