Couple's Weekend '12

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Sophia Pool

By the time we arrived everyone was already eating lunch so when lunch was done, we went in the back and Sophia wanted to get in to the pool.

Chris deck

We all watched her swim. The pool was way too cold for us!

She had enough of that float, she wanted to splash.

Sophia pool

Thu dipped her feet in so she could splash around.

Sophia pool

After an outfit change, she still put her feet in the pool.

Sophia deer

Then Chris showed her how to throw some chips off the deck for the deer.

Chris deck

A good shot of Chris.

Sophia deck

Sophia is looking for the deer.

Sophia Waterloo

For dinner we went to Waterloo. We ate and had drinks next to the playground.

Sopia movie

After dinner we had drinks on the deck.

Sophia watched Rio on "her" computer.

Sophia movie

She told us all about the movie too.

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